The Eurizian alphabet, consisting of 25 signs, is identical to the Latin alphabet, with the sole addition of the J:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S TU V X Y Z (capital letters);
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v x y z (lower case).
The pronunciation of Eurizian corresponds to the classical or 'restituta' pronunciation of Latin, which is completely different from the ecclesiastical pronunciation we learn at school.
The following table shows the pronunciation of each symbol:
For the correct pronunciation of Eurizian, the following simple rules must be kept in mind:
- Only one sound always corresponds to each symbol (a grapheme always corresponds to the same phoneme only). There are no phonic diphthongs and vowels are always pronounced separately just as groups of two consonants are always pronounced separately. The only exceptions are the ph group, which is always read f, and the tch group, which is read c dolce as in Italian cima.
- The group sc always has a hard sound and the group ti is read as written.
- The diphthongs ae and oe are pronounced as they are written (ae is read ae and oe is read oe).
- The letters c and g always have guttural sounds k and gh.
- In contrast to the restrictive pronunciation, v is pronounced as in English.
- The accent always falls on the penultimate syllable.
- J is a consonant.
Below are some pronunciation examples.
gingiva (translation: gingiva) -> pronunciation: how to read the word ginghìva
amicitia (translation: friendship) -> pronunciation: how to read the word amikitìa
caerulei (translation: azure) -> pronunciation: how to read the word kaeruléi;
magni (translation: great) -> pronunciation: how to read the word màghni ;
nescire (translation: not knowing) -> pronunciation: how to read the word neskìre.
The outline of the non-question affirmative sentence in Euritian is as follows:
Subject -> Predicate -> Direct complement -> Indirect complement.
In interrogative and exclamatory sentences, complements may precede subject + verb.
The following rules apply:
1) The subject must always be expressed and must precede the verb (only exception for the imperative/exhortative);
2) The direct complement always follows the verbal predicate directly;
3) The adjective usually immediately precedes the noun to which it refers;
4) The adverb always immediately follows or precedes the verb it refers to;
5) The personal pronoun complement always follows the verbal predicate.
In the case of a co-ordinating proposition introduced by et or ac , if the subject performing the action is the same as in the main sentence, the subject may be omitted.