This section contains examples of famous texts written in verse translated into Eurizian from the original European national languages. For each piece, the text in the original language and, next to it, the text translated into Eurizian are given. The page is constantly updated to allow new pieces to be added.
To date, the following texts are presented:
1) The ‘Our Father’ prayer
2) The Ode to Joy by Friedrich Schiller
The first text in verse presented as an example of translation into Eurizian is the Christian prayer of the 'Our Father'.

The Ode to Joy (Ode an die freude) is an ode composed by German poet and playwright Friedrich Schiller in the summer of 1785 and is a call for universal brotherhood. It is known worldwide for being used by Ludwig van Beethoven as the text for the choral part of the fourth and last movement of his Ninth Symphony. It is a lyric in which joy is understood not as simple light-heartedness and cheerfulness, but as the result man arrives at by following a gradual path, freeing himself from evil, hatred and wickedness. In 1972, the Council of Europe adopted Beethoven's Ode to Joy as its anthem. In 1985, it was adopted by the heads of state and government of the member countries as the official anthem of the European Union. The following is the original German text of the Ode to joy in the version written by Schiller and later set to music by Beethoven, and the same text translated into Euriziano.